The jackets have come out of closet hibernation and along with the chilly weather, winter exams is also around the corner. Exam stress is one thing for anxious learners wanting to get the best results, but teachers’ least favourite job of the year is setting and marking those towering mountains of papers. It’s wildly time consuming, not to mention discouraging and frustrating when trying to find a correct answer – finding a needle in a haystack might be a more successful mission.
The process of setting an effective exam can be a challenge – it’s not too informative if the exam is so easy that everyone aces it.  On the other hand, if everyone fails, you’ll be left wondering whether you’re a terrible teacher, they’re terrible students, or it’s just a terrible exam. Never fear when Eduvation is near, we have seven winning tips for you to ensure that you score full marks when setting your exam papers, every time! Make sure your papers are:
1. Valid
It means that it measures what it is supposed to measure. It tests what it ought to test. A good test which measures control of grammar should have no difficult lexical items. Keep it real and to the point.
2. Reliable
If it is taken again by the same students in the same conditions, the score will be almost the same regarding that the time between the test and the retest is of reasonable length. If it is given twice to same students under the same circumstances, it will produce almost the same results. In this case it is said that the test provides consistency in measuring the items being evaluated.
3. Practical
It is easy to be conducted, easy to score without wasting too much time or effort and getting to the point without beating around the bush.
4. Comprehensive
It covers all the items that have been taught or studied. It includes items from different areas of the material assigned for the test so as to check accurately the amount of students’ knowledge
5. Relevant
It measures reasonably well the achievement of the desired objectives.
6. Balanced
It tests all aspects and learning areas of the subject and tests appropriateness and accuracy.
7. Appropriate in difficulty
It is neither too hard nor too easy. Questions should be progressive in difficulty to reduce stress and tension and test knowledge.
A good exam gives all students an equal opportunity to fully demonstrate their learning. With this in mind, you might reflect on the nature and parameters of your exam. Make sure you are altyd firm, fair and ready to challenge the minds of our young leaders of tomorrow!
Inge Liebenberg
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