The Eduvation Network

New Year, New Beginnings, New You!


Welcome back esteemed teachers and what a prosperous 2019 it is going to be for you!

Time sure flies when you are having fun! Gone are the long lazy days of sipping on cocktails on the beach and recharging your batteries – it is time to get back into routine, whip out that red pen and make things happen.

As you get back into that classroom today, it is of the utmost importance that you tackle the new year and your class with a brand new attitude and motivation and enthusiasm that will be contagious! It doesn’t matter where a teacher might find themselves in their careers, these handy tips will make the transition of going back to school effective and painless.

Reflect on the past – it is called the past for a reason

Experience is the ultimate learning tool. Never be afraid to try a new approach, but understand that sometimes it works, sometimes it needs tweaking and sometimes it will just blow up in your face. The same thing is not guaranteed to work for every class. So trial and error is the golden key!Teachers must rely on their experiences when it comes to all aspects of their classroom.

It’s a new year – time for new beginnings

Never come into a school year or classroom with preconceived notions. Every learner that walks into your classroom deserves a clean slate. They all have different personalities and different ideas and abilities around learning. Don’t standardise everything and thing the outcomes will be according to your expectations, this will be detrimental to yourself and every learner that walks through your classroom door. Make sure you don’t kill yourself trying to be the perfect teacher if you don’t get along with a learner. Adapt or die…

Goals, goals, goals

As a teacher, you should have a set of expectations or goals that you want to achieve in your personal development, as well as goals you would like your learners to reach. It is also perfectly okay to set goals together with your learners. If you have a shared set of goals, the motivation is so much more to achieve them together and push each other to maximum potential.

Fail to plan, plan to fail

Planning, planning and planning can not be emphasised enough. Time management is key when it comes to teaching. Plan your semesters ahead and make sure that you are prepared for the unexpected as well. Make sure your lessons are planned ahead so that you can just tweak them as you go. You will save yourself a ton of time and numerous grey hairs.

Set the right tone

The first day of school is the most important when it comes to setting the tone in your classroom. This will determine what type of teacher you are going to be for the rest of the year and how serious your class will take you. You are not there to be the best friend or to spoon-feed, but don’t be the tyrant that eats little children for breakfast. Balance and firmness will ensure that your year runs smoothly and that you get the results you want.

May 2019 be your year dear teacher, take the bull by the horns and make every day the best one to look forward to for you and your class!

New Year, New Beginnings, New You!

Welcome back esteemed teachers and what a prosperous 2019 it is going to be for you!

Time sure flies when you are having fun! Gone are the long lazy days of sipping on cocktails on the beach and recharging your batteries – it is time to get back into routine, whip out that red pen and make things happen.

As you get back into that classroom today, it is of the utmost importance that you tackle the new year and your class with a brand new attitude and motivation and enthusiasm that will be contagious! It doesn’t matter where a teacher might find themselves in their careers, these handy tips will make the transition of going back to school effective and painless.

Reflect on the past – it is called the past for a reason

Experience is the ultimate learning tool. Never be afraid to try a new approach, but understand that sometimes it works, sometimes it needs tweaking and sometimes it will just blow up in your face. The same thing is not guaranteed to work for every class. So trial and error is the golden key!Teachers must rely on their experiences when it comes to all aspects of their classroom.

It’s a new year – time for new beginnings

Never come into a school year or classroom with preconceived notions. Every learner that walks into your classroom deserves a clean slate. They all have different personalities and different ideas and abilities around learning. Don’t standardise everything and thing the outcomes will be according to your expectations, this will be detrimental to yourself and every learner that walks through your classroom door. Make sure you don’t kill yourself trying to be the perfect teacher if you don’t get along with a learner. Adapt or die…

Goals, goals, goals

As a teacher, you should have a set of expectations or goals that you want to achieve in your personal development, as well as goals you would like your learners to reach. It is also perfectly okay to set goals together with your learners. If you have a shared set of goals, the motivation is so much more to achieve them together and push each other to maximum potential.

Fail to plan, plan to fail

Planning, planning and planning can not be emphasised enough. Time management is key when it comes to teaching. Plan your semesters ahead and make sure that you are prepared for the unexpected as well. Make sure your lessons are planned ahead so that you can just tweak them as you go. You will save yourself a ton of time and numerous grey hairs.

Set the right tone

The first day of school is the most important when it comes to setting the tone in your classroom. This will determine what type of teacher you are going to be for the rest of the year and how serious your class will take you. You are not there to be the best friend or to spoon-feed, but don’t be the tyrant that eats little children for breakfast. Balance and firmness will ensure that your year runs smoothly and that you get the results you want.

May 2019 be your year dear teacher, take the bull by the horns and make every day the best one to look forward to for you and your class!


New Year, New Beginnings, New You!


Inge Liebenberg




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