The Eduvation Network

Keep that teaching flame ignited!


The job of a teacher is tireless, selfless, instructional and inspirational. It’s full systems go every day of the term. As much as we know that teachers are invincible human beings, that constant full throttle mode can lead to burnout and dim the bright flame that is needed to lead our learners to a better and more educated tomorrow.

It is of vital importance to keep your flame burning and fueling yourself on a regular basis and here’s how!

  1. A good friend at school makes all the difference, especially when you’re feeling that the world is crashing down around you. A friend helps you out of that slump and we all need that one confidant to vent to and make sense of unfortunate and unwanted situations. Go on professional development courses together, have that glass of wine and most importantly – laugh A LOT! 
  2. It’s hard not to feel revitalised when laughing. It brings people together, feels good, and even improves health, believe it or not. Over and above that, your learners enjoy and thoroughly appreciate a teacher with a great sense of humour. This will also keep you sane and give you the power to lighten any tense situation in the classroom and set your learners at ease. 
  3. This might not sound like a cluster of fun, but go on and attend a conference. There’s nothing like learning in a new setting to recharge your batteries and re-ignite that passion for teaching. Being away from school with other like-minded colleagues is not only energising, but enriching. And who knows, some of their methods and ideas could help you put a whole new spin on your set ways. 
  4. Sometimes the best way to refuel lies in one little word: NO. Workshops, committees, emails, whiny parents, extra murals – there is always something that will drive you to be on your very last nerve. Saying no is difficult, that is a fact, but it is a true revelation and will set you free. 
  5. Do the old switching up. Teaching the same grade level for years until kingdom come is not always the best thing. Switching to a new grade challenges and renews enthusiasm.

Do what sets your soul on fire and keep that teaching flame burning high. Take a few minutes at the end of the day for reflection and find your centre again. There is nothing like a proactive mindset to make you feel like a brand new teacher!


Keep that teaching flame ignited!


Inge Liebenberg




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