The Eduvation Network

It Starts With An ‘r’ And Ends With ‘elax’


Yes, us as teachers know that January is the month for planning, admin, lesson plans, laminating and buying new stationery, but it is time to channel your inner Disney character and your best version of the beloved Else and let that nonsense go!

It is a well-known fact that teachers are on the verge on crumbling under the evil claws of exhaustion when December holidays strike and that is why it is of the utmost importance to relax, recharge your brain and keep learning the fun way.

  1.  Read a mindless and entertaining book

Whether romance, horror or a soppy novel is your poison, ensure you bond profusely with your couch and do all the reading you never got to during the course of the year. If you really want to be the model teacher, combine relaxation with a bit of learning and buy a book that will expand your personal development and skill set.

  1.  Recharge your body and soul

It’s time to take hubby’s credit card or delve into a bit of your savings and visit your nearest spa. There is nothing like aromatherapy oils to balance your chakras and get the good vibrations flowing through your body after a tiring year.

  1.  The great outdoors

As much as it is a fantastic idea to exchange the teacher’s lounge for your own these holidays, remember to live your life outside four walls. Go water skiing, skydiving or even a long and rejuvenating hike. Nothing quite connects your soul to your brain like nature and the wonderful scents of trees, water and animals.

  1.  Work those brainwaves

We all open our laptops at some point in the holidays and mess around on YouTube. Why not watch some educational clips rather than watching your favourite music video for the 600th time? Here are some cool links to watch:

MinutePhysics (all kinds of cool physics)

CrashCourse (history, chemistry, astronomy, and much more)

AsapSCIENCE (science topics ranging from biology to psychology)

  1.  Learn a new language

Why not impress all your friends and colleagues in the new year and learn an awesome new language? Visit these websites for some easy crash courses:

No matter what you decide will consume you these holidays – two words: self care. Sleep in, relax, read, enjoy your family, see movies, take naps, write, exercise – whatever makes you feel you.

Make the best of the festive season with family and loved ones, we can’t wait to see what 2019 holds!

Happy holidays!


It Starts With An ‘r’ And Ends With ‘elax’


Inge Liebenberg




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