The Eduvation Network

How to rack up those all-important CPTD points!


The end of the year is in sight, dear teacher! This is also the time of the year to almost conclude and tally up those important CPTD (Continuing Professional Teacher Development) points. Personal development is not just key for high profile corporate positions, but also for teachers as they constantly need to develop their skills with the ever-changing landscape of education and curriculums.

Thanks to SACE (South African Council for Educators), there is a system in place for all teachers in South Africa to develop and grow and add those personal development points to their teaching portfolio. All teacher need to earn at least 150 PD points every three years of the CPTD cycle. There are three types of activities that you will be able to partake in to gather your points:

Type 1:

  • Reading educational material in a variety of publications and from at least four sources (max 10 points per year)
  • Engaging in electronic media educational activities (webinars, TED Talks etc.) (max 12 points per year)
  • Attending relevant educational meetings/breakfast sessions (excluding the ones hosted by employers/Provincial Education Departments. (max 15 points per cycle)
  • Attending educational conferences/seminars/workshop sessions (max 15 points per year)
  • Mentoring and coaching other teachers (max 10 points per year)
  • Kick-starting/leading a community project (max 10 points per year)

Type 2 Activities:

  • Attend at least 10 School Meetings of 1 hour each (max 10 points per year)
  • School workshops/development and support sessions (max 40 points per year) 
  • School seminars/mini-conferences  (10 points) 
  • School community action research
  • School projects
  • Achieving two school developmental needs (e.g. through SIP, APIP)

Type 3 Activities:

  • Attending meetings organised by the Education Department (max 6 points per year)
  • Subject committees external to your school 
  • Short courses/skills development programmes- workshops and online
  • CAPS training external to your school 

This might seem like a lot of extra admin, but to unlock the potential in our leaders of tomorrow and give them the best education that they deserve, pride in ourselves as teachers and going that extra mile to be the best teacher that we can be and continue to grow and develop skills, is the key to achieving greatness!

One whole school year down, only one more mile to go!


How to rack up those all-important CPTD points!


Inge Liebenberg




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