The Eduvation Network

Heal the world and make it a better place…


Time has flown by like nobody’s business and 2019 almost feels like a complete flash in the pan. It is that time of the year again where the time has come to celebrate the International Day of Peace on 21 September. The General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and people.

The United Nations Member States adopted the 17 Sustainable Development Goals in 2015,  because they understood that it would not be possible to build a peaceful world if steps were not taken to achieve economic and social development for all people everywhere, These goals cover a wide variety of issues that includes poverty, hunger, health, education, climate change, gender equality, water, sanitation, energy, environment and social justice.

This year’s theme focuses on combatting climate change. Going ‘Green’ in homes and businesses sounded like a status symbol a few years ago, but looking at the number of natural disasters that are hitting hard all around the world, a lot of us wish that we had taken this step a long time ago to contribute to combat this major issue that is posing a threat to our society.

We might argue the fact that we can’t join all the big movements around the world or that we don’t have the disposable income to go entirely Green, but as teachers, we can do our bit to inspire our students to grow up as conscientious adults.

Make a pledge and make a plan to take action

Writing down a commitment and making a plan are two actions that increase the likelihood that someone will follow through. Incorporate as much as you can into your lessons around the real issues we are dealing with and if you can really make them stick if you assign art projects for example on this topic.

Make signs for school and even at home

Sometimes we just need a little reminder to help us change our habits. There is nothing like something you have to look at every single day to keep your mind active and aware. Have students think about what they can do at school and at home to help the environment and how they can encourage others to change their habits.

Plant a tree

The devastation of the Amazon rain forest that went up in flames is a lot more serious than people might think. By planting trees, you’re taking a tangible action with your students to make a difference. Let’s reach a goal by 2020 – one tree for every person that is alive!

Conduct pollution experiments

Teaching about pollution is essential! If we don’t look after our planet and environment, Students can experience the effects of pollution on a small scale in the classroom, but the bigger picture is what happens to our planet. At the rate we are going, our children’s children will not have a planet to live on!

Charity begins at home and in the classroom. Laying the foundation early is crucial. Let’s all heal the world and make it a better place!







Heal the world and make it a better place…


Inge Liebenberg




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