The Eduvation Network

Go Green – Inform, Educate and Save Our Planet!


Going green is more popular these days than the proverbial chihuahua in the purse that was a massive craze when Paris Hilton ruled social media. As a teacher, we are in the perfect position to be the environmentally savvy gurus that our planet needs. School classrooms are the perfect place to practice conservation and eco-friendliness. Kids are naturally concerned about the planet and ensuring its health. Put the following tips into action to make your classroom more environmentally friendly.

Set Up a “Green Team”

A lot of energy is wasted during times when nobody is in the building. At the end of the day, have a designated “green team” sweep through the classroom to shut off computers, check the faucets and mosts important of all – switch off those lights!

Teach amongst the trees…

Conduct simple math, reading and other lessons outdoors! Having class outside is a great way to spice things up and the learners will absolutely love it!

Inform, educate and conquer!

Include environmental sustainability in your class Welcome Letter to students and parents. Suggesting that they look for environmentally-friendly school supplies and reuse supplies from last year makes a big impact on classroom waste and resource use.

Social media is your best friend!

Incorporate technology such as Instagram into your environmental curriculum. Get your class trending by creating your own environmentally-friendly hashtag and documenting your class activities in how you are helping save the planet. A tech-savvy youth-minded way to promote environmental sustainability!

Start a garden

Starting a garden is a great way to teach students biology. Planting an indoor vegetable or herb garden in a window box is an easy way to start. For an even more environmentally friendly choice, start a classroom compost bin. Vermiform (worm) composting doesn’t smell and makes quick work of organic scraps. It is the perfect solution for an indoor classroom – plus, you can use the compost as fertiliser for your garden!

Be the change that you want to see and help save our beautiful planet! Be a lean, mean, environmentally savvy teaching machine!




Go Green – Inform, Educate and Save Our Planet!


Inge Liebenberg




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