The Eduvation Network

ECD Teacher Training – pivotal in South Africa


We live in an age where quality has become the buzz word. Every product and service must offer quality, especially in our beautiful country. Early childhood development (ECD) is no exception. Fun fact: the word quality is mentioned over 200 times in relation to ECD service delivery, teaching and learning in the draft Early Childhood Development Policy Document (Department of Social Development [DSD] 2015).

The first one thousand days your child’s life could hold the key to unlocking their life-long potential. Did you know that by the age of 5, almost 90% of a child’s brain will be developed? These are the foundation years where factors where it is of the utmost importance to take healthcare, good nutrition, good quality and nurturing into account. While parents are always there, the rest of that all-important foundation is laid in the classroom. That is why it is so important that ECD teachers receive constant training and that schools invest in their personal development.

According to a new report released by Statistics South Africa based on the findings of the General Household Survey data, Early Childhood Development in South Africa, 2016, there were close to 7,2 million children aged 0–6 in South Africa in 2016.

As a result, the demand for teachers with a qualification in Early Childhood Development has become crucial in education. When more professionals emerge, this will help with a lot of the issues that exist in the early stages of childhood development. With qualified teachers, all children will enjoy quality education and more facilities will be created.

When ECD teachers are more skilled, the behaviour of children will improve dramatically, so will the development of their social skills. As children get used to learning from an early age they become more open to learning more. Their enthusiasm to gain skills and be educated becomes greater than before.

With skilled teachers, learners will also develop their own commitment to complete their studies and follow their dreams to something greater in their careers. They are trained from a young age to become patient and to be responsible. It is of the utmost important to invest in our teachers to ensure that our leaders of tomorrow get the headstart they deserve!


ECD Teacher Training – pivotal in South Africa


Inge Liebenberg




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