Education in our country is in crises! But you need not fear. It seems as if the troubles for our education system are endless. The annual announcement of the grade 12 results could easily persuade you that our education system is in good stead. After all, a pass rate of 72% can’t be that bad! Mark Twain once said that: “Facts are stubborn, but statistics are more pliable.” We should be wary of blindly accepting the statistics that are so deliciously served on silver platters. We should rather investigate the unprocessed ingredients so selectively chosen by the ministerial chefs. The annual grade 12 pass rate reflects the number of grade 12 learners who have registered for the national examination and that have passed. A more accurate reflection of the pass rate would be to calculate how many learners have successfully completed grade 12 in comparison with the total learners who have entered into the school system in grade 1. That distasteful statistic brings us closer to a 40% pass rate. Indeed a crises. It saddens me to think of all these hundreds of thousands of children who will most likely contribute to the rise in our unemployment statistics.
Poverty contributes greatly to the crises! Teachers witness the effects that hunger has on the ability of children to concentrate on a daily basis. How is it even possible to learn when your growling stomach echoes louder than the fleeting voice of the teacher? There are also many other factors like corruption in the school system; lack of governmental support; inadequate service delivery; the breakdown of the traditional family unit; and the abuse of power by persons in authority positions that adds to the boiling cauldron that is our education system. If we were to conduct an in depth analysis of every school and the challenges that they face we would be able to extend the list of contributing factors indefinitely. It is not my intention to only paint the current state of affairs in a bad light as there are many pockets of excellence throughout the entire country. Sadly, these are the minority.
I can’t help but echo the cries of a multitude of teachers for help. Our teachers are struggling. Overcrowded classrooms, disinterested parents, dismal salaries and little to no acknowledgement for the work they do, could leave a teacher with their head in their hands.
We can spend hours complaining about the bad state of affairs, but that won’t solve the problem. So what then is the solution? I propose the following:
This might come as a surprise to you, but technically we have enough teachers. It is even projected that by 2020 we will have a surplus of teachers in certain sectors of education. But if we don’t need more teachers, what do we need then to eradicate the education crises?
We simply cannot afford to be satisfied with mediocrity! Having mediocre teachers in our classrooms will not improve the state of education. We need teachers who will go above and beyond the call of duty. Every school has to be filled to the brim with teachers who inspire. Whose life’s passion is to improve the lives of each and every child in their classroom. It is all good and well to ask teachers to not be mediocre, but what does a SUPER TEACHER look like? How can we identify who these SUPER TEACHERS are? I have compiled a list of 8 characteristics* that distinguishes a SUPER TEACHER from the hordes of mediocre teachers. This list is by no means exhaustive but serves as an initial check list to separate the wheat from the chaff. Whilst reading the next section you will inevitably be reminded of a teacher who displays these characteristics:
We all know those few teachers who participate in all school activities. They aren’t afraid to get involved. No task is too small or too large for them to not get involved in. It seems that whenever you turn your head you see them. They are often among the first to arrive and last to leave. These are the teachers who you can trust with anything and you know it is going to be a success.
You will never hear these teachers say: “This is not my problem!” They understand that the whole school is a delicate ecosystem and that even a minor disruption in one sector could eventually cause the downfall of the entire school. These teachers are proactive and welcome challenges because they see it as an opportunity to grow.
Nothing is more unpredictable than a class of 40+ teenagers. SUPER TEACHERS start everyday hoping for the best but expecting the worst. They have enough experience to deal with any curveball that the school day throws at them. They are never caught off guard. Knee jerk reactions aren’t part of their repertoire. They remember to breathe before addressing the situation and know that every situation has a deeper cause than what is initially apparent.
Self-awareness is a buzz word that has recently resurfaced. But as with any cliché it still has value because, after all, there is a reason why it became one in the first place. These teachers know their strengths and rely heavily on them during any given school day. They are also acutely aware of their weaknesses but is not consumed by it. They work tirelessly to improve their craft but have a keen understanding of what they are good at and tactfully employ their strengths to improve to lives of everybody that they encounter.
It is easy to get lost in the island that is your classroom. You could almost forget that there are repercussions for your actions in the classroom. SUPER TEACHERS are aware that those 40+ pairs of eyes and ears can’t wait to tell their friends and parents what you did (or didn’t do) today. These teachers use this to their advantage and ensure that the classroom experience is unforgettable (in a good way) and strives to give children something to tell their friends and parents. It often happens that a class that comes after break time already know what to expect because the previous class has informed them what you have up your sleeve.
Parents and school management often have unrealistic expectations and regard teachers as miracle workers. SUPER TEACHERS know what the pressures are and rise to the challenge without compromising their values. They are open about their capabilities and don’t hesitate to inform others if they expect too much. They rather assist children, parents and even school management in setting achievable goals. But they never buckle under pressure.
Success breeds success. You’ll often see that successful people surround themselves with other successful people. SUPER TEACHERS are no different. You are, after all, judged by the company you keep. When you see a SUPER TEACHER you don’t have to wait long to see another. Team work and collaboration is what makes these teachers awe inspiring.
This, by far, is the greatest characteristic of these teachers. They are driven by their desire to improve the world one child at a time. They are aware of the great power they possess. And with great power comes great responsibility to do good. These teachers go beyond doing good. They do great! And so inspires greatness in others.
Who did you picture whilst reading these characteristics? Is it one of your own teachers? Is it a colleague? Or is it your principal? Regardless of who you pictured, can I ask that you immediately stop reading this blog and phone, text or Facebook message this person and thank them for being a SUPER TEACHER and then return to read the last part of this blog.
I’ll wait patiently while you take 2 minutes to do this.
Now ask yourself this question. Did you picture yourself as a SUPER TEACHER? You didn’t?
Maybe it’s time to change!!!
* It is important to note that it is nearly impossible for all SUPER TEACHERS to display all of these characteristics all of the time. Yet, the majority of these characteristics are visible most of the time. Being a SUPER TEACHER is for most an unattainable destination. So let’s rather strive to enjoy the journey towards becoming SUPER TEACHERS.
Guest blogger: Francois Naude is an award winning teacher whose life’s passion is to motivate and support other teachers in their journey to becoming SUPER TEACHERS. Go check out his YouTube channel and Facebook page if you want to join him in inspiring others.
Francois Naude
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