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What is CPTD?
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Continuing Professional Teacher Development (commonly known as CPTD) is the system that helps teachers grow professionally.
In the same way that professional people (such as doctors or lawyers) are expected to develop their skills and knowledge every year after they have qualified, teachers are now also expected to further develop their professional skills.
The South African Council for Educators (SACE) created the CPTD system for all South African teachers.
2017-2019: Heads, Deputies, Principals and Vice Principals | |
2018-2020: HOD’s | |
2017-2019: Special/Primary School Teachers | |
2019-2021: High/Combined School Teachers |
ALL Teachers, Deputies, Principals and Vice Principals must achieve at least 150 points every 3 years by participating in various activities, such as doing short courses (online), reading or writing education articles, attending seminars, or mentoring other teachers. These activities can be initiated by the teacher, the school, or externally.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text el_class=”cptd-title”]
What is SACE?
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]The South African Council for Educators was established to uphold the education profession. SACE registers all qualified South African teachers (which means you need a SACE registration number before you can teach). SACE also manages the CPTD system and encourages the development of teachers through the system.
Each teacher will have a Professional Development Portfolio (PDP) developed according to SACE guidelines, which will act as a record of your development journey.
For more information about SACE= https://www.sace.org.za[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/4″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text el_class=”cpdt-green-box”]A CPTD course can never replace the need for a formal qualification. In other words, a CPTD course does not provide you with a Certificate with which you can look for formal employment.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1480061130589{border-top-width: 2px !important;border-right-width: 2px !important;border-bottom-width: 2px !important;border-left-width: 2px !important;border-left-color: #00ba68 !important;border-left-style: solid !important;border-right-color: #00ba68 !important;border-right-style: solid !important;border-top-color: #00ba68 !important;border-top-style: solid !important;border-bottom-color: #00ba68 !important;border-bottom-style: solid !important;}”][vc_column css=”.vc_custom_1479199382262{padding-top: 10px !important;}”][vc_column_text el_class=”cptd-title”]
Educator FAQ’s
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How do the CPTD cycles work?
See all current cycles below and make sure you stay up to date!
2017-2019: Heads, Deputies, Principals and Vice Principals | |
2018-2020: HOD’s | |
2017-2019: Special/Primary School Teachers | |
2019-2021: High/Combined School Teachers |
How do I sign-up for the online SACE portal?
For details on how to sign up for the online SACE portal, please refer to: https://www.eduvationnet.co.za/how-do-you-actually-get-started-with-sace/ OR makes use of our HASSLE FREE SACE SERVICES offerings!
Is participation in professional development/ CPTD compulsory?
YES, Participation in professional development / CPTD System is mandatory for all teachers. Professional development is part of SACE’s Code of Professional Ethics for educators.All teachers commit themselves to observe the Code. Section 7 of SACE Code of Professional Ethics states that an educator:
–“must keep abreast of educational developments”
SACE expects and encourages all teachers to sign up for the CPTD Management System as it rolls out so that they keep up to date and on their toes professionally!
What happens if teachers don’t reach the 150 points target ?
Educators who refuse to participate in the CPTD Management System OR defy it will be contravening Section 7 of the SACE Code of Professional Ethics. This means Educators could their SACE registration and ultimately be unable to teach.
What do you need to do after CPTD orientation and sign-up?
Start participating in the CPTD 3 year cycle
Updating your information regularly on the CPTD Self-Service web portal
Start developing your PDP in terms of Planning, Recording Evidence of Participation in three types of PD Activities and REPORTING Your Participation and PD Points to SACE by May/June and October November.
Start discussions in your phase/ department/site / Forums / cluster meetings / staff rooms / staff meetings / union gathers / professional association meetings about the CPTD MS.
If you would like assistance with ALL OF THE ABOVE then make sure to check out all the HASSLE FREE SACE SERVICES that we offer!
Downloadable Documents
Sign up forms for HODS: HODS SIGN UP FORM
Professional development portfolio for PRINCIPALS and DEPUTY PRINCIPALS: PDP Templates for Principals and Deputy Principals
Professional development portfolio for HODS: CPTD PDP Templates – HODs
Professional development portfolio for TEACHERS: Professional Development Portfolio
What is CPTD all about?: What Is The CPTD Accreditation System
How can I earn CPTD points? How Do I Earn CPTD Credits for Professional Teacher Development
Professional Development Schedule: PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT POINTS SCHEDULE[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
What does earning 150 CPD points over a three year period actually entail?
According to SACE, if teachers plan their participation in the three types of professional development activities carefully and wisely.
Teachers will have to earn their Professional Development (PD) points from three types of professional development activities:
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Type 1
Teacher initiated activities
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Type 2
School initiated activities
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Type 3
Externally initiated activities
(SACE endorsed activities)
Type 1 and 2 Activities are not submitted to SACE for endorsement. Teachers are responsible to participate in them and report on them in their Professional Development Portfolios.
Type 3 Activities, on the other hand, go through a quality assurance process with SACE in order to protect teaches against dishonest service providers and poor quality activities.
Teachers are urged to try to strike a balance by earning points from all three types of PD activities over the three year cycle. Points earned are recorded on-line via the Points Schedule / Tables provided by SACE.
A wide range of options are available in all three categories.
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Activities can include:
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- Reading educational material from various publications (educational journals, professional organisations, conference papers etc.)
- Electronic media (e.g. watching TED videos or DVDs)
- Attending educational meetings (these include participating in professional learning communities, teacher union meetings, subject committee meetings)
- Attending Educational conferences
- Mentoring and coaching colleagues
- Researching and developing articles for journals magazines or periodicals.
- Researching and developing teaching and learning materials
- Marking / assessing National Senior Certificate exams or Annual National Assessments
- Self funded short courses (This is where Edvation can help!)
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Type 2″ tab_id=”type-2-activities” el_class=”tab-type-2″][vc_column_text el_class=”type-list”]The school initiated activities can include:
- Attending and participating in staff meetings
- Attending and participating in cluster meetings
- Participating in extra-curricular activities
- Attending and participating in school workshops on curriculum, teaching and assessment
- Conducting a workshop for staff at school
- Participating in school projects such as community outreach projects or establishing food gardens.
- SACE approved providers offer Type 3 activities. These include universities, NGOs, Teacher Unions, government departments and private providers. Activities such as
- CAPS training
- ACE courses
- Activities/ courses included in the SACE database/ catalogue of endorsed PD activities.
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Type 3″ tab_id=”type-3-activities” el_class=”tab-type-3″][vc_column_text]This is where Eduvation can help. Teachers are expected to complete SACE endorsed courses. The Eduvation platform is home to a large number of endorsed courses that all allow teachers to gain their points in the comfort of their own home and at their own pace.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][/vc_tta_tabs][vc_btn title=”Enroll Now” style=”custom” custom_background=”#f58a2a” custom_text=”#ffffff” size=”lg” align=”center” link=”url:%2Fregister|||”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][/vc_column][/vc_row]