The Eduvation Network


Welcome to Using the learner as a classroom resource!

Provider no. 11840
5 CPTD points

Completion time: 6 hours over 4 weeks

Drawing on Neuroscience research, this course looks at how to profile each learner’s brain dominance. Based on our brain profile, we as human beings, behave in different ways. For example, left eye dominant people have problems with the written word, although they are highly creative and are able to decode meaning better than right eye dominant people, for example.

There are 155 permutations of how the brain can be ‘wired’, but schools only really accommodate 2! In this course we look at how we can use the learners in the class in various group formations to facilitate the learning of all participants in the class. We also touch on some Brain Gym exercises that assist the individual in accessing their non-dominant side.

Based on Brain Profiles learners are arranged in various collaborative learning groups to facilitate learning. This takes into account Vygotsky and Barbara Rogoff theories of Zones of Proximal Development and Apprenticeship Learning Theory.

This course is highly practical and teachers will have ideas that they can immediately implement.




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