Transforming Education: The Dynamics of Classroom Discipline
Provider no. 11970
50 CPTD points
Each part of this course is approximately 150 minutes that can be done over 4 weeks. You are given a year to complete all 5 parts including the assessment.
Research and Best Teaching Practices prove that we unwittingly set up barriers to learning in our classrooms which greatly affects discipline and management of the classroom environment. The content in Module 1 of this course provides an in-depth look at how we set up these barriers by empowering us to manage ourselves better in our relationships with our Learners and our peers, to ensure successful and enjoyable teaching.
Module 1 Section 1 Part 1: Learning Preferences and how they affect discipline in the classroom (10 points)
We examine our Cognitive Learning Preferences and how our teaching methods determine the degree to which we engage with our Learners. As we learn more about ourselves, we learn to invite more co-operation from Learners and gain more influence in, and over the classroom, thereby reducing discipline challenges.
Module 1 Section 2 Part 2: Learner Behaviour and how it affects discipline in the classroom. (10 points)
In this Part, we take a look at why children behave the way they do in the classroom, what is normal to expect, what is abnormal and how to differentiate between problem behaviour and age-related behaviour.
Understanding this, makes a huge difference to effective classroom management.
Module 1 Section 3 Part 3: Guidelines, Expectations and Consequences and How They Affect Discipline in the Classroom. (10 points)
The focus of this part is to gain knowledge on how to design and compile Guidelines (Rules), Expectations and Consequences that are effective. The content addresses specific areas to teach and guide Learners to take responsibility for their actions. Once in place, it will minimise discipline challenges and create more focused Learners and a great classroom atmosphere.
Module 1 Section 4 Part 4: Communication Styles and how they affect discipline in the classroom (10 points)
Understanding how we communicate with ourselves and with others provides us with the ability to improve our communication skills for better success inside and outside of the classroom.
Module 1 Section 5 Part 5: Personality Types and how they affect discipline in the classroom (10 points)
Stress can be effective in propelling us forward but the kinds of stress that Educators are subjected to often cause havoc for the Educator resulting in absenteeism due to illness and issues in personal relationships. Identifying strengths in character and using those situationally, go a long way to assist in managing stress and effectively handling conflict inside and outside the classroom.
*Please note that each of the modules above can also be done as stand-alone course each worth 10 CPTD points. Module 1 Section Part 1 MUST be completed in order to move on to Module 1 Section 2 Part 2.
Please refer to the links below to access the stand alone module:
Module 1 Part 1 Section 1:
Module 1 Part 2 Section 2:
Module 1 Part 4 Section 4:
Module 1 Part 5 Section 5: