This Course is about Study Skills and it helps you prepare for successful studies.
In this course you will learn:
Organisation, Time Management, Goal Setting
Learning Styles, Reading Skills, Writing Skills
Listening Skills, Memory Skills, Note Taking
Group Study Sessions, Study Techniques, Stress Management
- Introduction to Study Skills Unlimited
- 1.1. Design my own space Unlimited
- Quiz 1: Design my own space 00:10:00
- 1.2. This is my time! Unlimited
- Quiz 2: This is my time! 00:10:00
- 1.3. Setting my own #goals Unlimited
- Quiz 3: Setting my own #goals 00:10:00
- 1.4. Motivation! Unlimited
- 2.1. I wonder how I learn? Unlimited
- Quiz 4: I wonder how I learn? 00:10:00
- 2.2. Can I read with purpose? Unlimited
- Quiz 5: Can I read with purpose? 00:10:00
- 2.3. Can I write with purpose? Unlimited
- 2.3. Quiz: Can I write with purpose? 00:10:00
- 2.4. Motivation! Unlimited
- 4.1. Revision of What? Who? When ? Unlimited
- 4.2. Motivation! Unlimited