The Eduvation Network

Every day in South Africa, thousands of children dread going back to school because they know they are going to be bullied.  Many others will fake illness in an attempt to avoid the picking-on, name-calling, exclusion, and physical abuse that has become their daily torture. 

R585.01 including VAT

63 Days

Course Certificate


Welcome to Bully-Proof!

Provider no. 11970
20 CPTD points

Completion time: approximately 3 dedicated hours that can be completed in 9 weeks.

The Course is split into 4 Parts:

Part 1: Looks at how to define bullying

Part 2: School policy and bullying

Part 3: Social media and cyber bullying

Part 4: Assessment

Every day in South Africa, thousands of children dread going back to school because they know they are going to be bullied.  Many others will fake illness in an attempt to avoid the picking-on, name-calling, exclusion, and physical abuse that has become their daily torture.  The scary thing is that bullying is not confined to children but is happening to Educators as well.  Let's get educated and stop bullying together!

    • Bully-Proof: Part 1 Section 1 00:00:00
    • Bully-Proof: Part 1 Section 2 00:00:00
    • Bully-Proof: Part 2 Section 1 00:00:00
    • Bully-Proof: Part 2 Section 2 00:00:00
    • Bully-Proof: Part 3 00:00:00
    • Bully-Proof: Part 4- Portfolio of Evidence 00:00:00
    • Bully-Proof POE 14, 00:00



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